速報APP / 娛樂 / Dance With Us!

Dance With Us!



檔案大小:2.6 GB


版本需求:需要 iOS 12.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Dance With Us!(圖1)-速報App

‘Dance With Us’ is a multiplayer augmented reality app, produced by &samhoud media, that allows dance fans to enjoy a real-life dance performance from the extremely talented dancing twins Norah and Yarah and gives you the opportunity to dance side by side with these energetic and fiery twins.

Norah and Yarah

Norah and Yarah, two young and extremely talented dancers, always dreamt about one thing and one thing only: inspire as many people as they can through dancing. The twins danced their way through Europe and The United States, appeared on national and international television and performed alongside Justin Bieber. Now they proudly present their very own revolutionary dance app. Not only they are fantastic dancers, but they also create their own choreography on all routines.


Dance With Us!(圖2)-速報App


Norah and Yarah share 10 of their favourite moves for you to master. And beginners don’t worry: the slow motion feature breaks down every move step by step so everyone can master them.


Dance next to either Norah or Yarah and bust a move. Record your dance jam with friends and family and share on social media.

Dance With Us!(圖3)-速報App


The app is only available for iOs12 because it contains brand new multiplayer AR technology that allows you and your friends or family to have a shared AR dance experience from multiple devices.


The app is produced by &samhoud media, an innovation agency specialized in augmented reality.

Dance With Us!(圖4)-速報App

Music and in-app audio are produced by sonic branding company Amp.Amsterdam. They amplify brands and experiences with the power of sound and music.

Volumetric Video Capture is done in Dimension Studio in London.

Dance With Us!(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad